The Healing Power of the

Dhanvantari Mantra

Dhanvantari Mantra

In the Vedic traditions, the Dhanvantari Mantra holds a venerable place as a potent invocation for health and healing. Lord Dhanvantari, regarded as the god of Ayurveda, is believed to bestow health and longevity. According to the ancient texts, he emerged during the churning of the cosmic ocean, bearing a pot of Amrita, the nectar of immortality. 

Healing Physical and Psychological Ailments

The Dhanvantari Mantra’s power in healing is rooted in its ability to realign a person’s spiritual, mental, and physical components. By invoking Dhanvantari’s energy, devotees can:

  • Enhance their body’s natural healing processes.
  • Gain mental clarity and peace, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Protect themselves from illnesses.
  • Foster a deeper connection to the divine, which in itself can be a source of profound psychological relief.

The Esoteric Significance of the Dhanvantari Mantra

At an esoteric level, the Dhanvantari Mantra resonates with the essence of life and healing. This mantra stimulates an energetic response in the human energy field, specifically targeting the energy centres or chakras associated with health and vitality. It aligns the practitioner’s vibrational frequency with divine energies, facilitating the flow of cosmic healing powers that cleanse, balance, and rejuvenate the body and the soul.

Synergistic Integration with Holistic Health Practices

1. Medicine: In the traditional sense, Ayurveda emphasises the balance of body humors (doshas). The mantra supports medical treatments by preparing the body’s energetic environment for healing and helping to assimilate the medicinal properties more effectively. It raises the individual’s spiritual vibrations, which can enhance the body’s receptivity to healing, thereby improving the efficacy of medicinal treatments.

2. Food: In Ayurveda, food is considered a direct source of Prana, or life force. The Dhanvantari Mantra amplifies the pranic quality of food, making it more nourishing and detoxifying. This spiritual enhancement of food helps in the deeper cleansing of the body and spirit, eliminating toxins and bolstering the body’s natural defences.

3. Exercise: Physical activity is crucial for maintaining body vitality. The mantra adds a spiritual dimension to exercise by increasing the flow of Prana throughout the body, which in turn enhances strength, stamina, and flexibility. This not only aids in physical health but also elevates the exercise to a meditative practice, promoting a deeper connection between the body and the mind.

4. Pranayama: Pranayama practices regulate and enhance the life energy within. When combined with the chanting of the Dhanvantari Mantra, the effects of pranayama—such as increased mental clarity, enhanced lung capacity, and energised chakras—are magnified. This fusion helps achieve higher states of consciousness and deeper inner peace, which is essential for holistic healing.

5. Seva (Selfless Service): Seva, or selfless service, purifies the heart and dissolves ego, aligning the practitioner with higher spiritual virtues. The Dhanvantari Mantra reinforces this healing aspect by fostering a sense of unity with all beings. It cultivates an attitude of compassion and empathy, which are powerful healing forces, thereby enhancing the psychological and spiritual growth that comes from selfless service.

Sri Dhanvantari Mantra: Structure and Meaning

The Dhanvantari Mantra begins with a Dhyānam (meditative invocation):


Acyutānanta gōvinda viṣṇō nārāyaṇā:’mr̥ta
Rōgānmē nāśayā:’śēṣānāśu dhanvantarē harē |

Ārōgyaṁ dīrghamāyuṣyaṁ balaṁ tējō dhiyaṁ śriyaṁ
Svabhaktēbhyō:’nugr̥hṇantaṁ vandē dhanvantariṁ harim ||

Dhanvantarērimaṁ ślōkaṁ bhaktyā nityaṁ paṭhanti yē |
Anārōgyaṁ na tēṣāṁ syāt sukhaṁ jīvanti tē ciram ||


“Acyutānanta Govinda Viṣṇo Nārāyaṇa Mr̥ta,
Rogānmē Nāśayāśēṣānāśu Dhanvantarē Harē.”

This calls upon Vishnu’s eternal and infallible forms, asking Lord Dhanvantari to remove all diseases quickly.

Prayer for blessings:

“Ārōgyaṁ Dīrghamāyuṣyaṁ Balaṁ Tējō Dhiyaṁ Śriyaṁ, Svabhaktēbhyō’nugr̥hṇantaṁ Vandē Dhanvantariṁ Harim.”

The devotee prays for health, long life, strength, vigour, intellect, and prosperity, recognising these as blessings bestowed by Dhanvantari on his devotees.

Dhanvantarērimaṁ ślōkaṁ bhaktyā nityaṁ paṭhanti yē |
Anārōgyaṁ na tēṣāṁ syāt sukhaṁ jīvanti tē ciram ||

The subsequent verses emphasise continuous recitation as a path to enduring health and happiness, highlighting a life free from ailments and contentment.

Mantra and Its Healing Implications

Main Mantra:

“Ōṁ Namō Bhagavatē Vāsudēvāya Dhanvantarayē Amr̥takalaśahastāya Sarvāmayavināśanāya Trailōkyanāthāya Śrīmahāviṣṇavē Svāhā.”

This mantra addresses Lord Dhanvantari as a manifestation of Vasudeva (Vishnu) and the holder of the pot of Amrita. It invokes his role as the destroyer of all diseases and the lord of all three worlds, seeking his divine intervention for health.

Gāyatrī and Tārakamantra

Gayatri Mantra:

“Ōṁ Vāsudēvāya Vidmahē Sudhāhastāya Dhīmahi Tannō Dhanvantariḥ Pracōdayāt.”

This form of the mantra focuses on meditating upon and understanding the essence of Dhanvantari, who holds the nectar. It seeks to inspire and infuse the reciter with Dhanvantari’s healing energy.


“Ōṁ Dhaṁ Dhanvantarayē Namaḥ.”

A more concise mantra requiring formal initiation (deeksha) is a powerful tool for protection and healing. It encapsulates the essence of Dhanvantari’s divine therapeutic powers. Once you receive deeksha, you must recite it at least 108 times daily.


In essence, the Dhanvantari Mantra is more than a simple call for health — it is a profound spiritual practice that integrates seamlessly with various aspects of holistic health. By incorporating this mantra into daily routines, alongside medical treatments, nutritional practices, physical exercises, breathwork, and selfless actions, individuals can experience transformative health benefits. When unified by the spiritual vibrations of the Dhanvantari Mantra, these practices create a potent holistic healing regimen that nurtures the body, calms the mind, and elevates the spirit.

Dhanvantari Mantra in Devanagari and Telugu Script:

श्री धन्वन्तरी महामन्त्रम्


अच्युतानन्त गोविन्द विष्णो 

नारायणाऽमृतरोगान्मे नाशयाऽशेषानाशु 

धन्वन्तरे हरे ।आरोग्यं दीर्घमायुष्यं बलं 

तेजो धियं श्रियंस्वभक्तेभ्योऽनुगृह्णन्तं वन्दे 

धन्वन्तरिं हरिम् ॥धन्वन्तरेरिमं श्लोकं 

भक्त्या नित्यं पठन्ति ये ।अनारोग्यं न तेषां 

स्यात् सुखं जीवन्ति ते चिरम् ॥ 


ओं नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय धन्वन्तरये 

अमृतकलशहस्ताय सर्वामयविनाशनाय 

त्रैलोक्यनाथाय श्रीमहाविष्णवे स्वाहा ।


ओं वासुदेवाय विद्महे सुधाहस्ताय धीमहि तन्नो धन्वन्तरिः प्रचोदयात् ।


ओं धं धन्वन्तरये नमः ।

శ్రీ ధన్వంతరీ మహామంత్రం

ధ్యానం |

అచ్యుతానంత గోవింద విష్ణో 


నాశయాఽశేషానాశు ధన్వంతరే 

హరేఆరోగ్యం దీర్ఘమాయుష్యం 

బలం తేజో ధియం 


వందే ధన్వంతరిం 

హరిమ్ధన్వంతరేరిమం శ్లోకం భక్త్యా 

నిత్యం పఠంతి యేఅనారోగ్యం న 

తేషాం స్యాత్ సుఖం జీవంతి తే చిరమ్ ||

మంత్రం |

ఓం నమో భగవతే వాసుదేవాయ ధన్వంతరయే 


త్రైలోక్యనాథాయ శ్రీమహావిష్ణవే స్వాహా |

ఓం వాసుదేవాయ విద్మహే సుధాహస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో ధన్వన్తరిః ప్రచోదయాత్ |

ఓం ధం ధన్వంతరయే నమః

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